Tackling the 16 Tech Plan

16 Tech Site Plan - Initial Renderings (image credit: Develop Indy)

The week of June 13th was an exciting one in Indianapolis. The Broad Ripple Parking Garage was announced. CIRTA launched a campaign to build a transit coalition to present to state lawmakers. And the City announced the 16 Tech Technology district that would be anchored by a redeveloped Bush Stadium. On the surface, the 16 Tech …

Shelby Street Bike Track under construction

Shelby St Cross Section (image credit: Indy DPW)

Earlier this year, Chicago elected a new mayor; Rahm Emanuel. Upon entering office, he wasted no time going to work on his campaign promises of improving mobility for citizens. Among his first visual changes, were the introduction of a new cycle track along a half mile stretch of downtown street; Kinzie Ave from Milwaukee Avenue to Wells …

Broad Ripple Parking Garage Public Artwork

Charlotte I-485 Park & Ride (image credit: Curt Ailes)

The project team for the newly announced Broad Ripple mixed use parking structure is seeking input from the public regarding how the structure should appear and how artwork and aesthetics should be incorporated into the final design. Per their request, “On June 13, Mayor Greg Ballard announced plans for a mixed-use parking development in Broad …

Lugar Tower Renovation and Expansion Breaking Ground

IBJ reported this morning that Flaherty & Collins broke ground today on their new $30M residential project at Lugar Tower along Ft. Wayne Ave. This project involves a renovation of the existing tower building and new construction around the base of the tower. The new construction phase will take underutilized green space and an existing …

IndyGo’s Proposed Short Term Changes

Short Term Proposed IndyGo route changes (image credit: 2010 IndyGo COA)

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired of talking long-term.  For transit plans, it basically seems to be a code word for “probably never.”   So it was quite a pleasant surprise that IndyGo can actually implement some system enhancements in the next 3 years without a need for improving their funding situation.  …

Curb Side Recycling in Indianapolis

Curbside Recycling Pilot in Keystone-Monon (image credit: Curt Ailes)

A couple weeks ago I arrived home from work and discovered an unfamiliar scene as I drove down my street. There were yellow & blue bins in every property’s front yard, including my own. There was a packet of information included with the bin explaining that my neighborhood had been selected for a 3 month …

Broad Ripple Parking Garage Moves Forward

Broad Ripple Parking Structure Rendering (image source: City press release)

Last week, the Mayor’s Office announced that they had selected a winning proposal for a parking garage to be located in the Broad Ripple Village. The garage was hinted at when the parking meter lease was closed although details were very fuzzy at that point in time. Before I dive into an analysis, here are …

Join the Central Indiana Transit Movement

Last week, CIRTA went public with it’s message focused on building a coalition of transit supporters. The effort includes a spot on their website to sign your name to a petition as well as a means of organizations crafting a resolution of support for dedicated transit funding in the upcoming 2012 Legislative Session. As I …

Myrtle Beach & its focus on Walkability

Myrtle Beach Sidewalk Widening, road narrowing (image credit: Curt Ailes)

When one mentions that they went on vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC, visions of complete streets and urban design do not spring to mind. For years, I remember friends who’s parents took them to Myrtle Beach on summer vacation. I had never attended until recently, when my wife proposed that we take a summer trip …