Tag «Bicycling»

Complete Streets Ordinance Update

Three years ago this summer, the City-County Council passed a Complete Streets ordinance in a unanimous vote, joining hundreds of cities nationwide that chose to commit to accessibility for all modes and abilities in their transportation planning. Shortly afterwards, Smart Growth America’s National Complete Streets Coalition recognized Indianapolis’ ordinance as the top Complete Streets ordinance out of …

Indy Ride Guide

Last night, IndyCog released version 1 of their Indy Ride Guide, a comprehensive map which features the best (and worst) places for a person to ride a bicycle.  A sneak preview is shown below, but the full pdfs can be found in all their glory here and here. These maps can be found for free around the …

Mass Ave Crit and FtnSqr Grand Prix

It has been a great summer for cycling action here in Indianapolis.  We are seeing great returns on our infrastructure investments, and our citizens are starting to embrace bicycle culture more enthusiastically.  A good example of this was the Mass Ave Crit 2012 held last weekend.   The Mass Ave Crit is one of the …

46th Street Rebuild Indy Critique

46th just east of the Monon Trail (image credit: Curt Ailes)

The Indianapolis DPW contracted this job out during 2011. I am not 100% sure of the overall scope involved since I have seen reconstruction of 46th from College Ave all the way to Emerson and even beyond that. For the purposes of this post, I am going to focus on the section that is bounded …

Cycling on sidewalks in Indy

E 10th Street (image credit: Curt Ailes)

I’m sure we’ve all seen it or experienced it a time or 10 here in Indy. Walking down the sidewalk (when there is one available) and someone either comes at you on a bike, or brushes past you from behind on a bike. Some go fast, some go slow but the fact that they are …

2011 State of Cycling in Indianapolis Report

Shelby Street Bike Track nearing completion (image credit: Curt Ailes)

2011 has been a busy year in Indianapolis with road repairs, sidewalk fixes and creation and the addition of more cycling infrastructure. Generally, I feel like I should leave coverage of cycling in the city to the folks over at IndyCog. My recent observations however, have spurred me to action. This year we have seen …