Supermarkets can sprawl into new buildings, even if the financials don’t justify it. Why should gyms be any different?

The recent closure of another LA Fitness location, despite no evidence that the company itself is declining, leads to the conclusion that health clubs, much like grocery stores and other retail, help contribute to their own sprawl. In other words, they locate and re-locate in a pattern I like to call “hopscotching”.
Quick Blog Update

Hi! You might have noticed that this blog looks a lot different than it has in the past. That is because I upgraded WordPress, and the WordPress theme (called Basic) that we had been using apparently was not compatible with the newer version. There was a major error that developed that didn’t allow me access …
Marsh handed the baton to Kroger. Here’s a retrospective five years later.
A ghost bike on Indy’s South Side: an outlier or a signifier of greater road safety needs?
Branding the border crossing: when one side of the boundary builds a landmark…and absorbs all the monumentality.
Pandemic Parking: Reclaiming the Streets for Embattled Restaurants, Through the Parklets of Al Fresco Dining
Guest Post by Ben Platz: Midtown’s new Nexus

Hello everyone. This is an amazingly detailed guest post that was sent to me. Consider this to be leisure reading while hunkering down during the Coronavirus. Summary: The mission of Midtown’s New Nexus is to adapt the Indiana State Fairgrounds to its urban setting to maximize the utility of adjacent pedestrian trails and upcoming transit …