Category «Bicycling»

The Cultural Trail Philosophical Divide: Virginia Ave vs. Mass Ave

Virginia Avenue is hopping with new developments. Each article and news report that is written about the renewed focus on the street has mentioned the Cultural Trail as major catalyst for the revitalization of the street. The Cultural Trail is parallel to the commercial district for almost the entire stretch, with the exception of the …

Neil Kelty Memorial Ride

Please join 200+ cyclists and I for the Neil Kelty Memorial Ride on Sunday, May 4th at 3 pm.  More information can be found on the link, but most importantly, Neil’s employer PERQ is donating 5$ to Neil’s foundation per rider that attends.  Also, they mention that it would be preferred if attendees can ride …

Bikeshare Launch!

Many of us have eagerly awaited the arrival of Indy’s own bikeshare program. Discussions have been going on for what seems like years (literally) and recently, we were finally given details for the stations and bikes. Today, April 22, 2014, officially marks the launch date of the Indiana Pacers Bikeshare. I was a proud volunteer …

Snowglobe Indy

Didn’t get a chance to pause and absorb the beauty of the city during yesterday’s snowstorm?  No problem – Urban Indy has you covered.  Armed with my high powered professional Canon DSLR digital HTC Evo smartphone camera and properly dressed in a snowsuit, waterproof boots and ski googles a business suit, no gloves and dress shoes, …

The Beauty of Bikes is in the Parking

Indianapolis has been pushing hard to catch up with leading bicycle cities such as Portland and San Francisco. Seeing all that two-wheeled traffic in downtown and surrounding neighborhoods has been a blessing in so many ways – less pollution from cars, less vehicle congestion, better public health outcomes, and especially watching people get outside and …

Cultural Trail Clearance: Serious Business

Welcome to the flipside of the great freeze-out of 2014 (hopefully it will be the only one). I was happy to act as directed by the mayor and stayed home from Sunday until Tuesday afternoon. Fortunately, I didn’t have to leave the house to see something inspiring on the internet. Our man living next to …