Author archives

Asking the tough questions about transit in the city of Indianapolis

SB176 passes Ways & Means

IndyGo bus passing the Statehouse (image credit: Curt Ailes)

SB176 passed the House Ways & Means Committee this morning by a vote of 17-1. No amendments were taken on the bill but will be allowed at the next reading on the House floor. Bills are due by Monday, so expect this issue to wrap up very soon. There were a number of amendments offered …

Car Free Commute

Portland's MAX light rail (image credit: Curt Ailes)

I wake up, get ready, grab the bike and ride two blocks. The train pulls up, I get on and 20 minutes later get off and ride 1 mile to my job. This is my commute to work at my new job in Portland, Oregon. For those of you who do not keep up with …

10.2M rides for IndyGo in 2013

IndyGo 86 (image credit: Curt Ailes)

IndyGo recently sent out a summary of trips provided for 2013.  The major stat leading this list was that IndyGo provided 10.2 million boardings in 2013; a number not observed since 1991. A number of significant changes occurred in 2013 which lead to this new benchmark of success. Increased frequencies of the 8, 10 & …

January 2014 Wallpaper

January 2014 Wallpaper (image credit: Curt Ailes)

It is a new year! Welcome to the first installment of the 2014 wallpaper! This was taken just before Indy was inundated with the 2014 snowstorm. Oh, how I long for good cycling weather again 🙂 2560 x 1600 1280 x 853 1280 x 1024 1366 x 768

Blue Line Recommended Alternatives Accepted

Blue Line Recommended Station (image source: MPO)

For the better part of the past year, the MPO has spearheaded an alternatives analysis of the Indy Connect Blue Line, a proposed rapid transit corridor spanning Indianapolis from the east side to the west side through downtown. Urban Indy has reported periodically on the Blue Line when public comment periods have been announced. (see …

Fall Creek Trail South – Construction Update

Fall Creek Trail - South Extension (image credit: Curt Ailes)

By any objective measure, the Fall Creek Trail southern extension, from the Monon Trail to Central Avenue, would not be considered complete. But as of this posting, I can confirm that the entire length of this extension has been paved. Some portions appear to be completed while others still need an additional layer however, a …

Monon Trail Receives Safety Upgrades

Monon Trail 2 49th Street (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Regular users of the Monon Trail may or may not notice the results of a new project aimed to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians at street crossings. As part of a larger project, which is funded primarily from the Highway Safety Improvement Program, upgraded pavement markings, signage as well as the addition of flashing beacons at …

November 2013 Wallpaper

November 2013 Wallpaper (image credit: Curt Ailes)

November 2013’s wallpaper is the property located at 1352 N Illinois. As reported by Urban Indy’s own Kevin Kastner last week, an effort is underway to rehab the building and bring 63 residential units into the fold. The particularly inspiring point to take away is the planned 0.65 parking spaces per unit that if successfully …