Year archives: 2015

College Avenue in King Park: A Street in Transition

This time, the neighborhood won. The long battle over the gas station at the corner of 22nd and College has been dropped (page 57) in favor of a restaurant: This particular one will feature outdoor seating and a bicycle rack. It will renovate an old masonry structure, while removing a smaller structure which has outlived its …

August 2015 Desktop Wallpaper

It’s been over a year since Urban Indy had a Desktop Wallpaper. Curt Ailes has been in Portland since that time, and his photography and photoshop skills have yet to be replaced for us. This is our first attempt at rekindling the tradition, taken on a perfect summer day last week by yours truly. Urban Indy …

Mixed Use Project Coming to 22nd and Delaware

By almost any measure, the redevelopment of Fall Creek Place has been a resounding success. Building upon a $4M Homeownership Zone Award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and leveraged through $20M from a Tax Increment Financing district that upgraded neighborhood infrastructure, the plan quickly found footing in the early 2000s and …

Indy Connect: Red Line Update

Indy’s Plan2020 has posted a link to an updated version of the proposed Red Line between Westfield and Greenwood. That’s right, Westfield, who’s mayor has been a consistent supporter of transit, is included in the newest configuration. Here’s the latest map (shown in 20 parts) There’s more information out there, including this pdf which is …

2015 Multi-Use Path Round-up

After a bit of a lull, this looks to be a big year in multi-use paths around the city. While Indianapolis is still struggling with the basics of street design,  we seem to be more successful in building these off-street paths. There are at least five that are either under construction or planned for 2015. …

Complete Streets Ordinance Update

Three years ago this summer, the City-County Council passed a Complete Streets ordinance in a unanimous vote, joining hundreds of cities nationwide that chose to commit to accessibility for all modes and abilities in their transportation planning. Shortly afterwards, Smart Growth America’s National Complete Streets Coalition recognized Indianapolis’ ordinance as the top Complete Streets ordinance out of …

Friday Fun

Graffiti can be a tricky subject for me. I love freedom of expression and art, but I don’t love defacing public or private property. Most graffiti in Indianapolis is simply thoughtless tagging, similar to how a dog marks his territory while on a walk. Of course, the paint stays much longer. Sometimes, however, graffiti can make …