Year archives: 2014
Parking lots in historic districts or Why IHPC was right to deny the firefighter’s credit union

Back in 2005, I sat on the Historic Irvington Community Council’s design and zoning review committee. Irvington had just recently become a historic district and was under the jurisdiction of the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission. Not long into our life as a historic district, a developer submitted an application to redevelop the northeast corner of …
Real Time Bus Tracking: The Green Line

Urban Indy has been talking about the possibility real-time bus tracking for IndyGo for several years. The newest hope for commuters is a Fall 2014 release date. Â However, this morning, The Huffington Post mentioned a company known as DoubleMap that provides real-time bus tracking for IUPUI, Bloomington Transit, and many other systems. Â Their online maps …
Element and A Loft Hotel: Early Renderings

A new two-flag hotel is being proposed downtown, directly across the street from Banker’s Life Fieldhouse. This lot featured a different hotel proposal before the market crash. The hotel is being designed by Ratio, across the street from their headquarters. The renderings of the new hotel are included on the IHPC Staff Report, and I’ve …
Purple Line Updates

Earlier this spring, Indy Connect unveiled their initial ideas for the Purple Line. The line is intended to primarily serve 38th street, which is one of the city’s most highly travelled corridors via all modes of transit. A large amount of motorists use the arterial during peak and non-peak hours and a good amount of …
College and Massachusetts: A Critical Intersection

The corner of College, Mass, and St. Clair has been on my radar for years now, as it currently features one solid newer building and 5 open lots: Recently, there have been a few different proposals to change the status quo on the corner, which could become a critical link between downtown and Broad Ripple. …
Architects’ Home Tour

The Indianapolis chapter of the American Institute of Architects will be hosting their bi-annual Architects’ Home Tour on September 20th & 21st. This year’s tour is a bit unique, in that it focuses on homes in the city and homes in distinct Indianapolis neighborhoods, 7 in all. You’ll find homes in Fountain Square, Chatham Arch, Cottage Home, …
Broad Ripple Office Proposal Renderings
The Purple Line: Indy Connect Wants Your Input!

Indy Connect will be hosting additional meetings regarding the Purple Line this month. Â The line was first introduced to local residents during a series of open houses in May 2014. Â Transit planners gathered initial input for the line and ideas focused specifically on route choice: 30th street, 38th street, or a combination of the two. …
Illinois Street Bridge Over Fall Creek

Last summer, the City began work on a year-long project to replace the structurally deficient Illinois Street Bridge Over Fall Creek.  A similarly-long project took  place in 2012 to replace the eastern side of the Meridian Bridge and restore the limestone facade.  When it reopened, Urban Indy immediately reported on the woefully inadequate sidewalk replacement …