Bike Lanes that AREN’T happening in Indy

Shelby Street Bike Track (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Everyday, it seems a feel-good story floats across my twitter feed about a new bicycling facility that was constructed somewhere. Whether it was a new cycle track in Chicago or a beer pong bike lane in NYC, the data tells me that when dedicated cycling infrastructure is built, the press given to the local response …

Consolidated Building Redevelopment

The Indianapolis Business Journal has reported that the long-vacant Consolidated Building is under local ownership.  The plan is to convert the structure into apartments and retail space.  This is yet another win for downtown, as this building is a beauty.  Forgive the poor photos, but these were the best that could be done with my …

62nd Street Multi Use Path Update 6

62nd Street Trail Construction (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Work continues on the 62nd Street Multi Use path project. Some significant visual changes have occurred since the last update. They have occurred primarily where the trail will terminate on the east end at Allisonville Road. The trail head concrete has been poured and concrete for the trail headed west has begun. The concrete looks …

Tarkington Park Redesign

Recently I’ve received a few requests to talk about the Tarkington Park Redesign proposals by Rundell Erntsberger Associates.  The redesign was something that was on our blog’s radar before these requests were made, and I certainly feel like they are worthy of discussion here. The park was most recently known for being the target of …

Mass Ave Crit and FtnSqr Grand Prix

It has been a great summer for cycling action here in Indianapolis.  We are seeing great returns on our infrastructure investments, and our citizens are starting to embrace bicycle culture more enthusiastically.  A good example of this was the Mass Ave Crit 2012 held last weekend.   The Mass Ave Crit is one of the …

Complete Streets policy passes City Council

Complete Streets: Rendering looking south from Meridian & Westfield

  Proposal 208, “Complete Streets”(click to open .pdf) passed the full city council vote last night 28-0. The passage of this proposal will enact a modification to City Code to the affect of creating a framework for planning and implementation of complete streets. The new policy insures that public and private developments plan for all  transportation …

Welcome new blogger Eric McAfee

As you may have already seen, Urban Indy has added a new blogger Eric McAfee, who also writes for the blog American Dirt.  Eric has already been a very valuable contributor behind the scenes here at Urban Indy, and we look forward to more of the same from him in the future.  Welcome aboard, Eric!

IndyGo proposes 2013 budget increase of $8.3 million

IndyGo on Ohio St (image credit: Curt Ailes)

IndyGo submitted it’s 2013 budget proposal (click to open .pdf) to it’s board on August 2nd, 2012. The 2013 budget as proposed, represents an $8.3 million increase over 2012’s adopted budget. In an executive summary, IndyGo President & CEO Mike Terry indicates that the proposed increase would be applied towards increasing service based off of the …

An Overlooked Park Finds a New Home

A recent development that has lurked under the radar in central Indianapolis is the planned relocation of the R & A Bloch Cancer Survivor Park.  Over the next year, the Park will move from its current home at the edge of the Ransom Place neighborhood to Mapleton-Fall Creek, a few miles away, all as part …

Would you still vote for your Representative?

City Council members on Lynx light rail (image source: Zach Adamson via twitter)

As the days tick by in 2012, we inch closer to the 2013 legislative session. Wheels are in motion to again convince state lawmakers to allow the Central Indiana region to levy a tax on ourselves for local transit funding. Last February, HB1073, which would have moved the transit tax closer to reality, went down in …