Impact of "An Inconvenient Truth"

I have a friend (who reads this site) who is a Global Warming skeptic. I believe his skepticism may be warranted, even though I personally believe that the planet is warming and we are not helping the cause. However, he agrees with me that we should build a more sustainable environment. This is where I …

Revamped City Market

The long-delayed remodeling project in the City Market was finally completed a few months ago, and the old Market building is filling with vendors. It’s nice to see some life back in the old building, and word is that they will work on remodeling the East wing soon. There is a slew of new vendors …

Randomly Miscellaneous

There’s been a few interesting items that I’ve stumbled upon lately. They may each deserve their own post, but I wanted to get them on here as soon as possible. Senator Lugar had an interesting speech on energy policy at IUPUI. He’s obviously an asset to this state and any future president would be wise …

Faux-nostalgia, or a sign of things to come?

The Indianapolis Business Journal has posted on a project that has been shelved in Madison County called “Simpler Times Village.” The project’s website is quite off-putting, with cartoonish 19th century figures that scream “ye olde shoppes”. However, it must be noted that the idea is not terrible. They would have been built to incorporate small …

Does perception meet reality?

MSN (by way of Seriously, I hate that domain name) has deemed Indianapolis “a city that needs help getting green”. To be sure, we are following the pack in that area. However, I’m not sure how well researched the blurb is. For instance, there is no mention that each vehicle in our bus fleet …

Randomly Miscellaneous

Some links for the last day of 2007: A story from a few months ago on a rehabilitation of a large building at 34th and Central known as Constitution Gardens. I have not seen this mentioned elsewhere, but I believe it’s quite significant. I drive past it often on my way to work, and it …

New Casa Verde Projects

Indy’s first green builder, Casa Verde, has released some new projects on their website. They include: A renovated apartment building at 22nd and Broadway. There will be 11 low-moderate income units, as well as 2 at market rate. Jackson Place townhomes in Columbus. A retail center at 22nd and Delaware. I have heard from a …

IBJ Story on New Urbanist project in Bloomington

The Indianapolis Business Journal has a report (including 10 photos) on a new urbanist project in Bloomington. The article is generally positive and features the developer as someone willing to engage the community rather than fight it. Another nice point was the exposing of the silly zoning standards that exist in nearly every city in …

Randomly Miscellaneous

Inspiration for new posts has been dwindling lately. Hopefully, the new year will bring a renewed spirit, and the new mayoral staff can continue the momentum for green projects. Here’s some Friday links: A fine article on Goose The Market from an unlikely source. BTW, Sufjan Stevens rocks. A special section on the new Library …

‘Tis the season

This post is probably about 3 weeks late, but I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage folks to shop locally for Christmas. I must admit that I have fallen in to the trap of hitting Borders and Circle Centre Mall downtown for gifts for the male figures in my life, but if you’re shopping …