Monthly archives: May, 2014
Analyzing Options for the Purple Line
Earlier this month, Indy Connect hosted a set of open houses focusing on the next rapid transit corridor up for study; the Purple line. Currently, studies regarding the Purple line are at the Alternative Analysis stage. In this stage planners are evaluating route and vehicle alternatives along with station locations and operating features. The line …
Indy’s Bike Share, by Matthew Moggridge
The Cultural Trail Philosophical Divide: Virginia Ave vs. Mass Ave
Virginia Avenue is hopping with new developments. Each article and news report that is written about the renewed focus on the street has mentioned the Cultural Trail as major catalyst for the revitalization of the street. The Cultural Trail is parallel to the commercial district for almost the entire stretch, with the exception of the …
Indy Connect News: Purple Line Open Houses Announced
Fresh off the mass transit victory in the statehouse, Indy Connect along with Indy Go and the Metropolitan Planning Organization are moving forward with their assessment of the 5 rapid transit lines planned for Indianapolis.  Last year’s open houses focused on the Red, Blue, and Green lines.  Now, organizers are setting their sites on the Purple line …
When the Best Preservation Efforts Go Up in Smoke
One of our Urban Indy bloggers recently pointed out this lovingly restored double with Victorian touches, easily visible on Google Streetview as recently as the last camera run-through, waaaaay back in the summer of 2009. Even from the Google photo, it’s obvious that the restoration just took place; the paint is flawless, landscaping efforts haven’t …
Jane’s Walk 2014: Lafayette Square
On Saturday, I joined several others who were taken on an exploratory walk around Lafayette Square and Eagledale Neighborhood. Â The path we took was clockwise as follows: Like last year’s walk around Garfield Park, this neighborhood is full of challenges and opportunities. Unlike Garfield Park, Lafayette Square and Eagledale are suburban in form, although it …
Neil Kelty Memorial Ride
Please join 200+ cyclists and I for the Neil Kelty Memorial Ride on Sunday, May 4th at 3 pm. Â More information can be found on the link, but most importantly, Neil’s employer PERQ is donating 5$ to Neil’s foundation per rider that attends. Â Also, they mention that it would be preferred if attendees can ride …