Friday Fun – Downtown Indy Parking Lot Map

We have been trying to do a series of posts labeled Friday Fun. This week’s entry is perhaps not so fun when you examine the implications, but I took a few minutes and did a 20,000 foot parking snapshot; and Im positive I’ve missed some spaces, but here is a rough look in a roughly downtown-ish part of Indianapolis.

Indy Downtown Parking (from Google Map screenshot)
Indy Downtown Parking (from Google Map screenshot)

 Some of the lots are under redevelopment with City Way (SE quadrant) and the recently announced Block 400 (NW quad) taking up significant amounts of parking. However, I thought that this was still a fair assesement of what we have to deal with on a daily basis.

Houston, TX Parking Lots
Houston, TX Parking Lots

I have also included a few examples of other cities from a now infamous post on

Portland,OR Parking Lots
Portland,OR Parking Lots

As you can see, parking is a big issue in other places as well. Indy is a pretty fierce offender though! The next time you are talking to someone and they say, “Man, Indianapolis has a problem with parking!” what they will probably imply is a lack of it. You can then counter with this info. Have a Super weekend!

 Edit: Kevin chimed in with this latest version as well.
DT Parking (image credit: Kevin Kastner)
DT Parking (image credit: Kevin Kastner)

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