We have been trying to do a series of posts labeled Friday Fun. This week’s entry is perhaps not so fun when you examine the implications, but I took a few minutes and did a 20,000 foot parking snapshot; and Im positive I’ve missed some spaces, but here is a rough look in a roughly downtown-ish part of Indianapolis.

 Some of the lots are under redevelopment with City Way (SE quadrant) and the recently announced Block 400 (NW quad) taking up significant amounts of parking. However, I thought that this was still a fair assesement of what we have to deal with on a daily basis.

I have also included a few examples of other cities from a now infamous post on skyscraperpage.com.
As you can see, parking is a big issue in other places as well. Indy is a pretty fierce offender though! The next time you are talking to someone and they say, “Man, Indianapolis has a problem with parking!” what they will probably imply is a lack of it. You can then counter with this info. Have a Super weekend!
I have uploaded the official parking map for lots and garages. The garages are occasionally estimates because we can’t tell which part of the building is actually used for parking. Here it is: Downtown Parking
I bet if you zoomed in, you could find as many minor parking lots as well…….but then you wouldn’t be able to see the map thyrough the red.
And where are the buildings again?
That is a staggering amount of parking. Could it ever possibly all be used?
Sweet, sweet, pavement.
I still think IUPUI is possibly the largest “offender”. And I say that because there is a large demand for living on campus from their 30K+ students, and because they still have a lot of surface lot parking.
It seems likely that the solicitation for the MSA site redevelopment will go out in 2012 ….combine that with OneAmerica lots being redeveloped…the aerial of Indy DT might look just a little bit better in couple of years.
FYI – Just noticed this week that the Keystone Construction has finally started their demo of the old Marathon gas station in Broad Ripple.
Ah yes, the “downtown donut” of parking lots. See item #5 in my latest blog post, “Is Indianapolis still lame?”
I would also love some feedback on the rest of my post from Urban Indy and its readers. Great maps and observations, all!