Tag «Transit»

The freedoms, benefits that come from riding the bus

For those of you who don’t participate in this city’s mass transit, know this: it is very possible to have positive, successful experiences commuting by city bus. And to be honest, for me, depending on mass transit instead of my pickup truck has improved the quality of my life.

Justifying Rail transit for Indy & where it should start

In February of 2010, the city of Indianapolis made an exciting announcement. Mayor Greg Ballard announced that a task force had been formed a year and a half prior to study the long term future of transportation in the Indianapolis area. They coined this marketing blitz, Indyconnect. This wasn’t simply public transportation, this was public …

Transit Unveiling Links

I have to admit, this is much larger than I had anticipated. Here is a list of pertinent sites to get you refreshed on this project. The project’s main site that was unveiled today, Indy Connect. Make sure to check out the map and watch the video. A few links from the Star’s coverage: here …