9 on Canal Phase II Renderings

The second phase for the 9 on Canal project has been released to the Regional Center Hearing Examiner, and are shown below.  These are designed to be geared towards college students at IUPUI, and it does add another retail presence on the canal. This has been a tricky proposition in the past, and the canal …

1201 Indiana Avenue

The project at 1201 Indiana Avenue is quite large in scale.  Designed to house students in a mixed-use structure, it features 253 units in a location that previously occupied Lincoln Tech.  Here’s the best rendering we can find: One quibble is that the parking area on the north side of the project is quite large, …

Glick Eye Institute

The Glick Eye Institute is currently under construction on the IUPUI Campus.  The top 3 floors of it are an attractive arrangement of glass, but the entry floor is mostly a blank wall of bricks.  I believe this is more of a statement of the current auto-orientation of Michigan Street than anything else.  Walking around …