August 2011 Wallpaper

August 2011 Wallpaper

This month’s wallpaper comes from the NE section of the Cultural Trail in what I personally think has to be one of the more inviting intersections. With all the striping, pavers and the existing built form, who can argue that this is truly an excellent urban area? 2560 x 1600,1280 x 853, 1280 x 1024, 1366 x 768

Shelby Street sidewalk “fix”

First attempt to fix Shelby Street Sidewalk (image credit: reader submission)

Well, “the fix is in” as the popular saying goes. As previously reported here on Urban Indy, and in what caused a huge stink, a utility pole planted directly in the middle of a new sidewalk seemed like a huge missed opportunity to improve a stretch of Shelby Street that is currently being subjected to …

IURC approves water lease; $425m for infrastructure

Portland Streetcar (image credit: Curt Ailes)

On July 13th, 2011, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approved the lease of the water utility to Citizen’s Energy. While this has been debated vigorously over the past year and a half locally, what it means is that when it goes through, over $425 million will become available to put towards Rebuild Indy; a program …

100 Years, 100 Parks

My wife has embarked on the 100 years, 100 parks challenge, which is a similar to a city-wide scavenger hunt.  The great thing about this challenge is it enables us to travel to areas of the city which we are unfamiliar with.  Last night, we had to answer a question at Clayton & LaSalle Park, …

Shelby Street Bike Track – Update 1

Shelby Street Bike Track under construction (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Alright folks, here is your first photo update from me regarding the Shelby Street bike track. Along with IndyCog, we seem to be the only people really charting the progress of this project. I find that amazing since I believe this project will change the way local cyclists think about future bicycle infrastructure. I’ve appluaded …

Developer Town

This past week, a new venture known as Developer Town launched an Innovation Showcase in a vacant property at 53rd and Winthrop Avenue.  The event was co-hosted by a group known as Verge. I’ve long wondered if there was any hope of revitalizing these defunct buildings, which were previously served by the Monon Railroad.  Developer …

Where should a DT Transit Center be located?

Charlotte DT Transit Center (image credit: Curt Ailes)

According to the IndyGo Comprehensive Operational Analysis that was covered in depth by Kevin, a downtown transit center should be used to try and organize all of the routes that converge on downtown Indianapolis. Per the report, a robust savings in operational cost could be gained while preserving on street traffic versus the current location’s most …

Could Central Fishers go the way of Dead Malls?

The intersection of 116th and Allisonville serves as an icon of Hamilton County’s suburban boom. I recently visited the area, and concluded that unless it undergoes an aggressive transformation, it could easily become a strip version of the next dead mall. Here’s a view of the built environment in this area.  Fishers Station is to …