Monon Pointe

Another day, another post about a new Chipotle in Indianapolis. This building replaces a former stand-alone liquor store in Broad Ripple, and it appears to be successful for the most part.  And, yes, it will also house a Chipotle, just like the last post that I made. Here’s the view from the 1001 Food + …

Indianapolis Bikeshare Program Details Announced

The Indianapolis Bikeshare program was revealed last Friday at well attended press conference in the Fountain Square cultural district where it was announced that the program will launch in just a few short weeks – Tuesday April 22nd is go live day! We are seeing stations already being placed throughout downtown.  This is the one …

Building Small

I’m a huge fan of the new building to house a Chipotle on Washington Street downtown. So much so that I’ve taken photos of it in various stages of completion.  Here it was last September: Here it is as of Friday, March 28th: A major advantage that this site has over the larger projects around …

Moving Forward with BRT

Now that SEA 176, better known as the mass transit bill, has been signed into law, the real work begins for transit advocates to push support for the Indy Connect plan.  As we all know, SEA 176 prohibits light rail.  It does not, however, prohibit heavy rail or commuter rail.  But that’s another post for …

Finally…..Mass Transit Bill Passed

Last night, the Indiana General Assembly closed the 2014 session by passing SB176, otherwise known as the central Indiana mass transit bill.  After being scaled back, stripped, and amended here and there, an effort three years in the making now heads to Governor Pence for final approval before being placed on the ballot this fall …

Georgia Street Programming

The Georgia Street transformation has been completed for a few years now, so it’s a good time to look at how the public space is faring.  This was an exciting project when it was first announced, but there was a major issue with its sustained success: most of the buildings that faced it had never …

Planned Development at Michigan and Pershing

Two planned mixed use buildings are talked about in detail on this DMD report from January, to be located at the corner of Michigan and Pershing on the near west side of the city.   Construction is projected to begin in Fall of 2014. The site plan and renderings are pictured below, and more information …