Category «Neighborhoods»

Keeping up with the parking debate

We here at Urban Indy have made much of the parking meter deal and by extension, the Broad Ripple parking garage issue. Kirsten has posted twice about it, myself once. You can find our write ups here (my parking garage criticism),  here (Kirsten’s pre-vendor write up) and here (Kirsten’s post vendor announcement). The past week have brought …

September Wallpaper

Sorry for the delay, but some personal matters have kept me away for the past week. Here is September’s Wallpaper highlighting the western most point of the Cultural Trail. I did a few things different from last month’s formats, so if you have some trouble, say so and I will do differently next time.  1366 …

Historic Neighborhood Infill Development

Many urban neighborhoods have a need for infill construction, where homes that were lost to deterioration or other reasons must be replaced.  Here in Irvington we have a unique case where a gas explosion in 2004 eliminated three houses instantly and blew out windows in a one-block radius. (images from kipar-one here) In an explosion …

Paramount School of Excellence

Last week, I was disc golfing in Brookside Park, when my friend pointed out the colorful new construction on the south side of the park. It turns out that this was the Paramount School of Excellence, which I mentioned on this blog last year.  The school has a ton of smart ideas: It’s located within …

ACS: Parking, FSSA & Concerns

NUVO’s Austin Considine* wrote an interesting article regarding the Mayor’s pick for the proposed parking system – Affiliated Computer Systems (ACS).  In addition to concerns related to ACS’s ties to Republican leadership in the state and a few privacy blunders, one sticky past project of ACS is causing concern among critics. Given the long-term nature …

Open question: What can be done with West Street?

Currently, West Street presents a 6-lane barrier between downtown and the White River State Park/IUPUI area.  Crossing it on foot feels like it should be more of a sprint than a walk, and I’ve never felt comfortable doing so.  The crosswalks do have generous crossing times, but mentally, the line-up of idling vehicles seems like …

MDC Hearing Results – August 18

See below for the Commission Rulings of the August 18th MDC Hearing. Cases with public hearings and full staff reports will always be reported here. For the results of all other cases before the MDC on August 18th, see this document. Address: 5735 Birtz Road (Approximate Address) Township: Lawrence Case: Modification of the D-P statement …

Remembering History in Fountain Square

One of my favorite works of art in the city is known as “Wishful Thinking“.  It’s located prominently on the edge of Interstate 65/70 which cuts through Fountain Square.  The sculpture contains three panels which tell the history of the neighborhood. The panel that faces southwest displays a map of the former street grid, which …