Category «Bicycling»

What new Federal Transpo Bill means for Indy

Bridge Construction (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Last week, a federal conference committee released a report detailing the next federal surface transportation bill. If you follow transportation news at the national level, you know that this debate has further divided the left and right. Without delving into the arguing points, the report that was issued, and was adopted into law over the …

62nd Street Multi-Use Path Update 4

62nd Street Trail Construction (image credit: Curt Ailes)

There has been significant progress on the 62nd street multi-use trail since the last update. The path is now graded halfway through the neighborhood which for imaginative purposes means, trail construction is now snaking it’s way eastward through the neighborhood.  The first layer of pavement has been laid along the Glendale Town Center, with what …

Complete Streets Proposal

The City County Council is considering a motion that would adopt a Complete Streets ordinance.  This ordinance would encourage transportation projects that would allow for safe passage for all modes of travel. A good example from my own history is located on the south side, where I used to live when I first moved here …

62nd Street Multi-Use Path Update 3

62nd St Trail Progress (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Here is this week’s update on the 62nd street multi use trail taking shape on Indianapolis’ northside. A prior update to this project can be viewed here. The work currently taking place is adjacent to the Glendale Town Center and is removing a single lane of automobile traffic on the eastbound side of 62nd street. …

Untold Indy’s Bike Map

Earlier this month, a new web magazine known as Untold Indy launched a bicycle map for Indianapolis.  This eye-catching map displayed the disparate routes around town that are known to have infrastructure that is geared toward cycling. I contacted Natalie Atwell and Racheal Thomas from Untold Indy to find out more information about the project. …

62nd Street Multi-Use Path Update 2

62nd Street Trail under construction (image credit: Curt Ailes)

As construction moves forward, I will provide updates as I can get them. This week started simply with a dirt trench graded on the south side of 62nd street. As of Thursday, there are two curbs that define what I assume to be, a grass median between the trail and the roadway. Nothing is happening …

62nd Street Multi Use Path under construction

62nd St Multi Use Trail under construction (image credit: Curt Ailes w/ iphone)

I reported on the 62nd street multi-use path plans nearly a year and a half ago and I am happy to report that real earth is now being turned towards the realization of the planning. Tree removal along 62nd street has been occurring for a few weeks now. Last week, median reconfiguration began and finished. This week, pavement …