Strong Indy Meetup for May

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Strong Indy, our local chapter of Strong Towns applied to our beloved city of Indianapolis, is having a very special monthly meeting this week on Thursday, May 18th. It’s being hosted by the Harrison Center for the Arts!

Coming off some very strong (no pun intended) momentum from our last meetup and the success in supporting the Chatham Park development proposal, it’s time for another meetup! Join us at the Harrison Center where we’ll hear from Joanna Taft and what the Harrison Center is doing for creative placemaking and traffic calming along 16th street. Their efforts are officially called the Pre-Enactment. You’ll definitely want to check out their page on it.

Joanna will be showing us how we can partner with them to help pioneer this street from being a high speed car thoroughfare back into a street that builds wealth for the neighborhood by #slowingthecars. Please make sure to enter at the City Gallery entrance at 15th and Delaware.

We’ll also be kicking off what should become a regular thing for our monthly meetings – a Strong Indy member spotlight. For the inaugural spotlight, we’ll be hearing from Glenn Blackwood about how how he got into urbanism, Strong Towns and what Strong Indy means to him and what he envisions it becoming.

We’ll talk about our participation in IndyVolved12, adding a group project list (a big todo list!) as part of a new Strong Indy website as well as a reminder to participate in Big Car’s Shelby St traffic calming project. We also need to identify the next development project that we want to support (or help to improve).

As usual, if anyone would like to join up to ride to the Harrison Center via bike, let’s plan to meet at the City Market plaza at 6:15 that evening and head over together.


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