Year archives: 2015

360 Market and Cummins in Progress

Ok, I admit that I’m now a daily auto commuter. This has been true for a while. But this does give me the opportunity to see the progress of the 360 Market and Cummins buildings on an almost daily basis. Here are some gloomy photos of them as of this morning:   I then walk …

Guest Post: Indy’s Most Needed Pedestrian Walkways by Dr. Jill Saligoe-Simmel

Walkable cities contribute to people’s overall health, safety, and quality of life. This study prioritizes missing pedestrian walkways to help identify where investment should be focused in Indianapolis. Although it has some very walkable areas of town, overall Indy ranks low in nationwide surveys of walkability ( Recent efforts are underway in Indianapolis to enhance walkability, …

The Case in Greenwood: Why America Deserves Its Retail Blight.

The local media thoroughly covered the City of Greenwood’s announcement that it had finally secured a developer for the site at the southeast corner of the I-65/County Line Road interchange—a tract where numerous proposals had come to light, most prominently featuring a Cabela’s. But, time and time again, none had materialized…part of the aftermath of …

Digital Archaeology through Google Street View

“The apple that’s fresh is ripe to the core, and I rot over time and I’m not anymore.” –Sloan & Pelling   I’m probably a day late and a dollar short on noticing the time-scroll feature available with Google Street View. Perhaps it’s been there for months—years even. I just figured it out its full …