Year archives: 2014

Finally…..Mass Transit Bill Passed

Last night, the Indiana General Assembly closed the 2014 session by passing SB176, otherwise known as the central Indiana mass transit bill.  After being scaled back, stripped, and amended here and there, an effort three years in the making now heads to Governor Pence for final approval before being placed on the ballot this fall …

Georgia Street Programming

The Georgia Street transformation has been completed for a few years now, so it’s a good time to look at how the public space is faring.  This was an exciting project when it was first announced, but there was a major issue with its sustained success: most of the buildings that faced it had never …

Planned Development at Michigan and Pershing

Two planned mixed use buildings are talked about in detail on this DMD report from January, to be located at the corner of Michigan and Pershing on the near west side of the city.   Construction is projected to begin in Fall of 2014. The site plan and renderings are pictured below, and more information …

IndyGo Transit Hub

Minutes after the closing remarks were complete and the last of the press packed up their vans, we were left with a positive message to Live Indy. Mayor Ballard, a long time proponent of a stronger urban center, reinforced his position by declaring war on an urban population in flux. After decades of seeing people …

SB176 passes Ways & Means

IndyGo bus passing the Statehouse (image credit: Curt Ailes)

SB176 passed the House Ways & Means Committee this morning by a vote of 17-1. No amendments were taken on the bill but will be allowed at the next reading on the House floor. Bills are due by Monday, so expect this issue to wrap up very soon. There were a number of amendments offered …

Car Free Commute

Portland's MAX light rail (image credit: Curt Ailes)

I wake up, get ready, grab the bike and ride two blocks. The train pulls up, I get on and 20 minutes later get off and ride 1 mile to my job. This is my commute to work at my new job in Portland, Oregon. For those of you who do not keep up with …