McOuat Renovation Nearing Completion

Last night, I was given the unique opportunity to tour the McOuat building with Nancy Gibbs, the Project Manager. Ms. Gibbs relayed to me that the McOuat (pronounced Mi-coo-it) was empty for 24 years, so it is amazing to me that it is in as good of shape as it is. The building formerly housed a sporting goods store, with each floor dedicated to a different sport, which is certainly a quaint idea to our 21st century shopping habits.

The first floor will likely have a restaurant and features very high ceilings:

The second floor will be an office space:

Finally, the 3rd through the 7th floors will be 1 bedroom apartments:

A nice view from a west-facing doorway:

It’s great to see this building brought back to life. Renovation could be completed as soon as late October.

Comments 6

  • According to IBJ, this was ten years in the making ! If the other drab buildings downtown could be turned around like this, they all would benefit from the ‘density’ of urban living.

    • Yes, it is coming around at the right time too, with high energy prices and an increased desire for downtown living. Nancy and I were hoping that the parking lot across the street could be built upon in the near future as well.

  • Right time and perfect execution.

  • Great Update Kevin – and I agree great to see building brought back to life especially in such a prominent location.

  • I live down the street and have been watching this property. We may have had an interest but it is too bad they decided to only make these 1 BR. We have a pretty massive two bedroom overlooking Washington St. Living downtown is the best!! Really happy to see more apartments around downtown. I am also excited to see what the restaurant will be on the first floor!!

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