Monthly archives: January, 2012

Friday Fun: The new Jos. A Bank downtown

Man, what a difference removing a tacked-on facade from the 1970’s can make!  The revitalization of a few long-downtrodden blocks along East Washington Street is one of the more interesting developments of the past few years.  The Cultural Trail along here seems to be helping draw more foot traffic as well.  Here’s a reminder of …

HB1073 – transit – Gets its day at the Indiana Statehouse

Indyconnect Adopted Plan (November 2010)

  HB1073 (click to see official bill) is the initial volley by the Central Indiana Transit Task Force to state lawmakers. The summary of the bill is as follows: Public mass transportation. Specifies that a county or city council (other than the city-county council of Marion County) may elect by ordinance to provide revenue to a public transportation …