Headed to Railvolution!

Last month, I submitted a scholarship application to Railvolution. Railvolution is a yearly conference that is held in a different major transit friendly city across the nation. It is a week long conference based around “Building livable communities with transit”. This year, is in Portland, Oregon and will be on October 18th-21st.

Yesterday, I received word that my scholarship application was accepted! This will cover a good portion of my expenses. I will be attending primarily as a representative of People for Urban Progress but as part of the terms of my accepting the scholarship, I have to be open to sharing whatever I learn with local media outlets. Those of you who follow me, know that I do not have a problem talking about transportation, so expect to see something late October about my travels.

I still have a lot of work to do to scrape the last bit of $$ together to make it, but the largest hurdle has been cleared, and it appears that I will be there! Stay tuned

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