Year archives: 2009 A wealth of information

I’ve linked to the Indy Ethnic Food website since day one, but I have failed to give it its rightful praise. In addition to being the go-to place to find ethnic restaurants, they also list many great local eateries under the category “eclectic”. Do you like festivals, but aren’t sure where and when they take …

Randomly Miscellaneous

Time for a few links. I’ve added a new blog called Go Indy Go. Also, a new website called Streets of Indy. Be sure to check out the photo galleries. Locally Grown Gardens continues to rock my world. Lafayette Square Mall is really struggling. Meanwhile, there are quite a few worthy international destinations in the …

Irvington Streetscape Project

On my visit to Irvington last year, I enjoyed the shops and restaurants, but noticed that Washington Street was a barrier for the neighborhood. I thought at the time that the traffic should be calmed in order to create a more cohesive street. Well, wouldn’t you know it, the Irvington Development Organization has thought the …