Comments 1

  • Kevin – thought you might be interested in this grass roots effort to help the businesses in Irvington:

    As an Irvington resident who adores my neighborhood, I want to try a positive experiement to support our beloved Irvington businesses!

    On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2009 I invite everyone (even those who do not live in our neighborghood!) to visit an Irvington business and spend $5.

    Just a sampling of what you could do:

    Buy a book at Book Mamas
    A cup of coffee and scone at Lazy Daze
    Get 4 friends together and order pizza and salad from Jockamo’s
    Gelato from Edibles
    Breakfast at the Steer Inn
    A new reflector for your bike? Hit the cycling shop!
    Visit Annie’s for a “new to you” skirt!
    Visit the Dog Bakery for special treeats for your pets

    Share this email with others! And share ideas on how you can spend $5 at Irvington Business to ensure they continue to thrive.

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