Monthly archives: October, 2007

Sobering Stuff from has recently released 2 studies that take a harsh look at the environmental and health situation in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our state is listed as the 49th “greenest” state in the nation, beating out only West Virginia (good thing we don’t really have mountains or we’d probably top them in mountain-top removal). And our city …

Randomly Miscellaneous

Things are moving a bit slow in the development world, so here’s a few links for a Friday: The IBJ has a nice editorial about mass transit. The false promises of building new roads and lanes are starting to come to light. More on that issue can be found on the Project for Public Spaces …

Can Buses save us?

David Hoppe of Nuvo has written an interesting article about the rapid expansion of bus service in Bogota, Columbia, and how it related to a relief of congestion and pollution. I have had a bit of a change of heart recently with regards to buses, and his piece highlights one of the main reasons for …

Cultural Trail Featured in Streetsblog

New York City’s alternative transportation advocate, Streetsblog, has a nice write-up of the most exciting and innovative project in the city, the Cultural Trail. Streetsblog rarely gives much press to cities outside of NYC, Portland, Chicago, and San Francisco, so to see our town featured is definitely good publicity. The article was written by the …

Mid-Rise Green Building Planned

Ratio Architects have unveiled plans for a mixed-use building across the street from the Slippery Noodle on Meridian, called Ralston Square. Some of the features include: 150 room hotel 60 condos 41,000 sq ft of retail space The first mid-rise in the city with LEED-certification A curved north face to mesh with the railroad tracks …

Photo Blog: Fletcher Place

I finally used up the last of my traditional film. The quality isn’t stellar, and I took these shots too early in the day, but it was a first try. Hopefully I can get better and start using a digital camera. Anyways, I love Fletcher Place. This is just a small sample of the quality …