Tag «Streetcar»
Indianapolis Streetcar Plan gets some press

Anyone see the latest IBJ has hit the stands? I will refrain from analysis of any kind at this point and simply point out a couple links for catching up on the first volley in the Indianapolis Streetcar debate. IBJ Story: http://www.ibj.com/backers-seek-support-for-2mile-streetcar-line-downtown/PARAMS/article/29171Â (requires subscription) WTHR 13 Story: http://www.wthr.com/story/15351324/planners-eye-downtown-indianapolis-streetcar-route Downtown Indianapolis Streetcar Corp: http://indianapolisstreetcar.org/home.html Read up. I …
Streetcar tracks on Mass Ave

I was picking up some pizza from Bazbeux’s last night on Mass Ave and I saw all the construction that is taking place. The project going on is resurfacing of the street, sidewalk reconstruction and addition of electrical conduit for additional lighting along the avenue. At the expense of looking like a hipster with my …
IURC approves water lease; $425m for infrastructure

On July 13th, 2011, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approved the lease of the water utility to Citizen’s Energy. While this has been debated vigorously over the past year and a half locally, what it means is that when it goes through, over $425 million will become available to put towards Rebuild Indy; a program …
Join the Central Indiana Transit Movement

Last week, CIRTA went public with it’s message focused on building a coalition of transit supporters. The effort includes a spot on their website to sign your name to a petition as well as a means of organizations crafting a resolution of support for dedicated transit funding in the upcoming 2012 Legislative Session. As I …
State lawmakers scuttling transit projects
Connecting Fountain Square to Broad Ripple

Currently, College Avenue is a one way northbound street between Virginia and Massachusetts Avenues. There have been a few public calls to change this missed connection, and to return College into a two way street (which even has its own facebook fan page, which I have joined). There are also calls to instill bike lanes …
Indianapolis Streetcar Plan: Guest post by Greg Meckstroth

Greg Meckstroth writes for the Urban Out website. He has been gracious to share his vision with us. Earlier this year, the IndyConnect plan was released that set a vision for Indianapolis’ mass transit future. From the onset, I have been critical of the plan’s suburban orientation and its focus on commuter rail. While such …
In-Street Light Rail vs. Streetcar
In this editorial in the Indy Star, there is a mention of in-street light rail along Washington Street, which prompted me to ponder the difference between in-street light rail and streetcars. I did a bit of research on the issue to see if I could clear this up. I have to mention that I used …