Placemaking In Meridian Kessler, part II

Time for the next installment of Placemaking. The following are 10 places that don’t work in Meridian-Kessler 1. Former video store at 52nd and College. Suburban design that requires an unattractive illuminated street sign in order to see what is in the store, because the building is set back from the street much farther than …

Placemaking In Meridian Kessler, part I

Inspired by this post on A Place of Sense, I decided to try my hand at similar one for my neighborhood, Meridian-Kessler. I will start with 10 places that work, and post 10 places that don’t work and 10 opportunities for growth in the near future. These are listed in no particular order. 10 places …

Prospect and State

Took advantage of the great weather on Friday to visit one of my favorite corners in town. Southwest: Southeast: Northwest: Northeast: More perspectives on the corners: Some nice tiled details: The saloon is on the National Register: Hope the bar can get back in business:

Binford and 71st: looking to add density?

Here’s an intriguing presentation by Schneider Engineering and the MPO. I believe that shifting the development away from Binford Avenue and towards Graham Road is an elegant solution that could be attained with less headaches and cost. If this proposal ever sees the light of day, I wonder if it would be the first attempt …

Diverse Corners

One of the more interesting and exciting aspects to city living is noticing a place where people from disparate backgrounds can gather in close geographic proximity. This happens often downtown, of course. However, there are two corners that I have visited recently where this dichotomy has been quite noticeable. The first is 38th and Illinois. …

Health By Design and Project for Public Spaces: Inspiring Collaboration

Last night I attended the event titled Neighborhoods: Inspiring Place, Improving Health that featured Ethan Kent from Project for Public Spaces. Mr. Kent made a fine presentation, but the real star of the evening was the collaboration that took place afterwards regarding several key issues that are facing Indianapolis, such as transportation, crime, and sprawl. …

Indy’s Car-based Development History claims another victim

An interesting aside has been posted on the Cultural Trail thread on the Skyscraper City forum. Apparently the Trailside proposal is being stalled due to concerns over the parking situation. Poster Ablerock makes a keen observation when he mentions that the businesses in that section have complained for years about their lack of visibility, yet …

Update on the 22nd and Monon area

Smart Growth Indy recently held a community workshop regarding the area near 22nd and the Monon Trail. They have posted this neighborhood restoration guide. This project has the potential to be a model for other similar areas around the city, similar to the way that we can now point to Fall Creek Place as a …

East Market Street: Reopened

On Thursday, I revisited East Market Street, as the project had been completed. I started at East Street and walked towards the Holy Cross Neighborhood. Heidelberger Papers beat me to the punch in posting this, but the more the merrier, I say. I like the benches and even the trash cans. The lamps don’t excite …