East 16th Street Smart Growth District
WTHR has reported a nice update of the East 16th Street Smart Growth District, which is currently under progress. The revitalization of this corridor is taking place in conjunction with the area centered around the intersection of 22nd Street and the Monon Trail. One of the more interesting finished products in the area is …
Indianapolis Streetcar Plan gets some press
Anyone see the latest IBJ has hit the stands? I will refrain from analysis of any kind at this point and simply point out a couple links for catching up on the first volley in the Indianapolis Streetcar debate. IBJ Story: http://www.ibj.com/backers-seek-support-for-2mile-streetcar-line-downtown/PARAMS/article/29171Â (requires subscription) WTHR 13 Story: http://www.wthr.com/story/15351324/planners-eye-downtown-indianapolis-streetcar-route Downtown Indianapolis Streetcar Corp: http://indianapolisstreetcar.org/home.html Read up. I …
IndyGo’s 2012 budget is $6 million short
Another year, another round of budget shortfalls. The same old story for IndyGo, Indianapolis’ municipal transit provider. For the 2012 fiscal year, the short fall is expected to be $6.4 million short. At the core of the issue is existing funding sources drying up vs rising costs to do business mostly in the form of …
Non-Profit Spotlight: Every Body Walk
At this point, most Americans have heard of the country’s struggle with obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. No statistic highlights this problem better than America’s increasing obesity rates: in the 1980’s only one state had obesity rates above 20%; today 49 states do. Time and time again, the blame for this goes to fast food and …
Weekend Fun: The Best Smelling Alley in Town
Kilroy’s Bar coming to Broad Ripple?
Have you ever heard of “bad development”? Have you ever heard a developer or commercial center utter the words, “We do not want more of this economic development”? Now you have, because this is exactly what the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) along with a host of partner organizations and citizens are saying; and with …
Central Indiana Regional Bikeways Plan up for review
First Meeting of Indiana Joint Study on Transportation
Actually, it is called, The Joint Study Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Assessment and Solutions, but that was far too long of a title to put for the post. However, the first meeting of the committee was on August 23rd and consisted of 23 members of the Indiana House & Senate. The topics of discussion …
A Simple Solution to Stem Public Discontent
Twice over the past few days I’ve overheard discussions and complaints about how slow construction has been on the Cultural Trail in Fountain Square. In both cases, I interjected and explained that two of the main reasons for delays were the separate discoveries of buried historic rail lines and underground vaults. Both times I shared …