KIB is moving to Fountain Square

Via Property Lines, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful is relocating its headquarters to an old warehouse that they will outfit with a green roof. I’ve questioned their motives occasionally, especially when I saw a huge banner they hung near one of their planting projects. It wasn’t very beautiful. However, this is obviously a big step for both …

What Makes a Great Neighborhood

Development news is a bit slow right now, so this will be a bit of a free-for-all. What do you look for in a great place to visit or live? Here’s my list: – It’s walkable, and bicycling is encouraged– A grocery store with a decent organic section– Good local coffee shops– Friendly people– Good …

High Speed Rail

The Star’s article this morning woke me from my post-holiday doldrums better than my cup of coffee. I learned about high-speed rail last year, and thought it sounded too good to be true. But there has been progress on this issue. A bill is pending in Congess for funding. Here’s the mandatory block-quote: A bill …

Avon Gathering Alternative Ideas for US 36

The picture above is obviously not Avon (note the hill), but the built environment doesn’t look much different. US 36 is basically the only option for a person driving from Danville to Indianapolis, and it might be the best (worst?) example of unplanned sprawl in the metro area. This article in the Star mentions that …

Can Mixed-Use and Residential Co-exist?

The title of this post seems to answer its own question with a resounding “YES”; however, there are neighborhood organizations that aren’t so sure. The owner of the building pictured above wants to convert it into a two-story multi-use, with a green roof to boot. Sounds like another asset to downtown. So, when does construction …

Town of Speedway Making Grand Plans

The Town of Speedway has released a vision for its future that is quite ambitious. The idea is to make the town a destination for racing fans. Personally, I’m not a racing fan, but I do like the design for the most part. The first of two simulation videos now on the front page of …

The ever-present myth of widening roads

A drive down 82nd street in Castleton during rush hour is an exercise in futility. Bumper-to-bumper traffic. Lights at every major and mid-major intersection. One could probably walk (or maybe jog) from Allisonville road to I-69 faster than drive it. And what is the constant refrain from people frustrated with this set-up? The road isn’t …

Is Carmel More Progressive than Indianapolis?

It seems every month or so, a new development in Carmel is featured in the Indystar. Carmel is densifying their city at an impressive rate. These developments are helping it shed the suburban sprawl image and move to a place where people can actually walk and bike without putting their lives in danger. I’m not …

3 Mass Ave to Feature Green Roof

I returned from a 5-day trip to New York City to this tidbit of positive news listed in the latest issue of Urban Times (pdf warning). Developers are starting to realize that this can only help their interests, and attract more of the young, creative class into the city. Even if they can not afford …