Category «Bicycling»

Signalled crossings on the Cultural Trail

Cultural Trail at IUPUI, note traffic signal is green, pedestrian is not (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Recently, a signal change was made along the Cultural Trail, downtown. Where the trail crosses New York Street, signal priority for the trail users was removed requiring those wishing to cross the street, to press the pedestrian signal button. Did this happen for the Super Bowl? Perhaps, but it was never changed back after the …

Indianapolis as a Can-Do City.

Indianapolis has pulled off a nearly-impossible task: hosting a Super Bowl in a cold weather city without a week-long barrage of complaints from sports journalists.  A notoriously fickle bunch had glowing reviews, and left them wondering how we did it.  That was a surprise to me, as my initial reaction when Indy won the rights …

Immediate Threat to Bike/Ped Funding

We are in a crisis as far as transportation infrastructure goes. The nation and individual states have heavily over-invested in single user roadways and highways that they can no longer afford. The continued push by some lawmakers has been to try and remove dedicated cycling and pedestrian funding from the transportation bill. Members of the …

Cultural Trail: A $60 million parking lot?

Cultural Trail at West St & St. Claire (image credit: Curt Ailes)

Last night, I rode my bicycle to IUPUI. It has been unseasonably warm here in Indy for the week of the Super Bowl and I decided that it was time to take advantage of one of my favorite modes of transportation, the bike. I always attempt to take advantage of all the wonderful pieces of …

Polar Bear Pedal

Join the Mayor and hundreds if not thousands of other cyclists January 2nd for the first ever Polar Bear Pedal bike ride. This is a free event and has route direction and security through IMPD. Cycling doesn’t stop just because it is almost cold outside……..   Register the day of or at the following website: …