I’ve spent plenty of keystrokes complaining about poor sidewalk construction whether it be new or rehabilitating in nature. 46th street between College Ave & Keystone Ave is the scene of another Rebuild Indy road resurfacing project. With this, is the reconstruction of some of the sidewalks and also construction of brand new sidewalk where none existed before. I stepped out for a moment before work the other morning to snap a couple of photographs of the current progress. Obviously, the new sidewalks look really great being separated from the roadway by a small grass strip. It’s too bad that more of the old sidewalks could not be reconstructed in this fashion, but at least they are devoid of utility poles like the reconstruction on 52nd street which was completed earlier this year. When this project is completed and restriped, it should have bike lanes to compliment the new pavement and sidewalks.
Perhaps there’s hope for DPW after all.
There’s also a pioneering sidewalk that was just built on 62nd street, from allisonville out to Binford. granted its only on the south side of the street it at least does give some space for kids to walk to the school on that street, people to walk to the businesses along the 62’nd and allisonville intersection and a connection to the BRAG neighborhood and presumably a future transit stop. Couple that with that bike lane/sidewalk project from keystone to allisonville on 62nd. and you could actually walk from the that lawrence shadeland mid-fall creek region to broad ripple, if your brave enough to cross binford.
Yup. That was reported here on Urban Indy last year.
“If you’re brave enough to cross Binford.” Therein lies the problem. No chance that Binford gets traffic calming any time soon. But at least areas like BRAG and Lafayette Square are attempting to make lemonade out of lemons.
Im looking forward to seeing the multiuse path begin.
As for the sidewalk out to Binford, I saw that take shape last year as well. Nice looking piece the way it was done. Wish we saw more sidewalks being created on greenfields like that. I live in a neighborhood that probably has no hope of seeing sidewalks. I continue to push for them through posts like this. Thanks for replying Drew
I noticed on my way to work today that new sidewalks are going in on the west side of High School Road from just south of 34th street to the church at the corner of 30th street. It was formerly just a dirt-walk, and it connects two existing sidewalks that have bus stops on them. Sidewalks are pretty far off the street, and from the wear pattern, I would say heavily used. So that’s something to be excited about I suppose.