Due to current life obligations, I’m unable to continue posting on UrbanIndy.com. It has been a good run, but my time has come to an end. I hope that during the past 12+ years, I’ve been able to contribute to a new conversation in Indianapolis.
I don’t want to go out with a whimper, though. On Saturday, April 11th at 2 pm, 13 years to the day from the founding of Urbanindy.com, I will host a final downtown walking tour. Usually the tour culminates in a restaurant or bar.
Details on this event will be forthcoming, although not on this blog. If you are interested in joining on the tour, please send me an e-mail at kevin dot kastner at gmail dot com. Usually, these tours contain talk of construction projects, new businesses, and consumption of frosty libations towards the end. I hope to see a great turnout.
Thank you for reading and contributing to this website. It has been a pleasure.
I hope you leave it up even though it won’t be updated.
Oh, I forgot to mention: Yes, I’m leaving the site up. In fact, others can still make posts on it.
Thanks for the years of great advocacy and giving some of us an opportunity to contribute.
I loved your work. Cheers!
Thanks Graeme. Good to hear from you again. I couldn’t have done much of this without you and Curt.
Thanks for many years of informative and useful articles. Good luck as you take care of your family.
Thanks Kevin, you’ve always been a pleasure
Thanks for your commitment and 14 years of service!
Totally understand your need to back away from Urban Indy after years of volunteer community service. Blogging is a lot of work! I trust you know what a tremendous gift UI has been to the community for which many of us are grateful. The blog had a mighty impact and I hope you take some measure of pleasure that UI’s advocacy of BRT, TOD, New Urbanism, and bike/ped infrastructure spurred investments by local elected officials.
Leaving the archives in place provides a concise history of the past 14 years. UI’s voices will be missed, but you’ve left the city in a better place.
I’m sad you won’t contribute any more, but I understand life happens. FWIW I always found Urban Indy to be a great place to discuss all sorts of urban issues and how they intersect each other. It’s been very informative and helped shape my viewpoint on many issues.
I’m hoping I can attend the walk as I have a few other commitments that Saturday.
Be well and may your journey forward be a good one.
Kevin, your hard work will certainly be missed.
You might want to consider a final final piece about the Purple Line re-route, which looks like a complete waste (mirroring the Red Line route from 38th to downtown). https://www.indygo.net/purple-line/
No can do, sir.
However, thanks for the comment.
Hi Kevin, I live in Columbus IN at the moment but am planning to move to Indy in a few weeks. I found your blog since I have a strong interest in something like this. I’ll shoot you an email and would love to chat about opportunities to take the site over.
We need this Blog to stay up and running !