Now that we’ve reached the end of 2019, I thought it would be a good time to revisit an older post on Mass Ave Parking Lots. The post has a parking lot visualization on it based on 2011 data. Recently I was able to find the file that I used for this blog post, and clipped out the parking lots as of 2019:

Here are some big changes, starting from NE to SW:
- Bottleworks is still under construction, and has eaten away at a good chunk of surface parking.
- 747 North has been constructed at Mass and College.
- Not a new development, but the parking lot at Barton Towers East was reconfigured to open room for potential development to the north
- The biggest changes are directly to the west, as Millikan and Penrose have been constructed. Opinions are mixed on each development. I’m fine with the Penrose in general, with the exception of the fact that they didn’t take the opportunity to cut off the unnecessary slip lanes. I think Millikan could have been much better. Penrose, for what it is worth, does provide public parking for a reasonable price.
- One block to the south is a development that did clip out a slip lane (and put in an outdoor cafe), the extension to the Marrott Building.
In spite of all this activity, the map shows that there’s still plenty of room for infill development along Mass Ave. Remember this if someone claims that it is being overdeveloped.