DMD Open House

Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development has a major public outreach event scheduled this Friday. I’m planning on attending. Here are the details:

October 5, 2018 6PM-9PM
Exhibition on City Planning (Harrison Center, 1505 N Delaware St)

And here is the promotional blurb:

Enjoy an evening of art, cast your vote for your favorite team in the Thriving Neighborhood Challenge, and let your voice be heard on FOUR major city plans: the Marion County Land Use Plan, Thrive Indianapolis, the White River Vision Plan, and IndyMoves!  IndyGo will also be on hand with information on the rapid transit system plans.  This event is in partnership with the Harrison Center’s Historicity First Friday event

Be sure to check out Indy Moves public comments forum, as well as the Thrive Indianapolis engagement portal, and make some suggestions while it is available.

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