Favorite Trend of 2013

I briefly thought of coming up with a list of the highs and lows as they pertained to Indianapolis development.  But lists are not my thing, and instead I will focus on my favorite trend of the year: buildings being reused as apartments.  This has been going on for a number of years, but it seems like 2013 was a particular high point for Center Township reuse.

1352 Illinois Street:


800 N Capitol:


The American Building:




There are plenty more that we have not featured or photographed, including the Central Products Supply at Central and 10th. What is your favorite trend of 2013?

Comments 1

  • I was glad to hear of the Mayor’s overhaul plan to put in sidewalks on city streets. While it’s a shame that it took this long to get a plan like this started, and it’s unfortunate of the accidents that have taken place this year with children crossing the street or walking on the street due to lack of sidewalks, it’s great that this type of infrastructure is finally getting some attention. While I didn’t see any immediate plans for certain neighborhoods such as northbound Ritter Avenue in Community Heights, 56th Street near Cathedral, or Hague road near Lawrence North, I do hope that areas near these locations are addressed in the future.

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