By any objective measure, the Fall Creek Trail southern extension, from the Monon Trail to Central Avenue, would not be considered complete.
But as of this posting, I can confirm that the entire length of this extension has been paved. Some portions appear to be completed while others still need an additional layer however, a determined cyclists could bypass the “sidewalk closed” signs and ride this portion.
The photo above was taken from the Monon Trail looking south, as is passes over the newly paved Fall Creek Trail. Hopefully cyclists and pedestrians will be able to take full advantage of this extension in a couple short weeks!
Really? You’re encouraging people ignore the “closed” signs?
The northern trail extension from Skiles Test Park to Fort Harrison State Park is in a similar state.
One can now ride, walk, or run 12 or so miles from Kessler Park at 25th & Meridian to Lee Road Park at 63rd and Lee Rd. in Lawrence, an alternative to the Monon Trail.
A little birdie told me that the “official” opening date is mid-May, 2014.
So, any update on this? The trail still seems to have signs saying it’s closed, but I’m itching to use it for my commute.
I got ahold of IndyCog on Facebook.
Their reply:
“CIP says 5/9 is the official completion date right now and it looks like they are going to hit this target.”
Thanks for the research and reply, I’ll be glad when this trail is finished.
I rode it this morning, as there aren’t any barricades up, and people are already using it — it’s a great ride!