Transportation for America has designated today as National Call In Day to oppose HR7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. If you are not in tune with what is going on at the national level on transportation funding, this is the Federal Government’s plan for funding all types of infrastructure from roads to transit to sidewalks and everything in between.
The current proposal on the table was put together by the majority Republican party and represents a tremendously destructive bill; the bill would fund projects by increasing domestic oil and natural gas production in some of our country’s most virgin of territories like Alaska and would also put the Keystone XL pipeline back on the docket; he Keystone XL project is design to move oil from Canada to the Gulf. It would also separate transit funding from the gas tax and make it a yearly fight to allocate funding from the general fund; also a source of cuts by the same folks creating this bill.
Whether you are a supporter of roads, transit or neither, this bill is bad news. It ignores 30 years of partisan cooperation on transportation. It puts millions of jobs in jepoardy and puts access and mobility to millions of jobs and every day trips at risk.
To urge your representative to vote against this terrible bill, please use today to help concentrate efforts around this initiative.
An exmaple to use for your call in might sound like this:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I live in [PLACE]. I’m calling to ask Representative [NAME] to vote “NO†on HR 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act.This bill would eliminate dedicated funding for public transportation and deprive my community of the tiny amount of funding that helps make our dangerous streets and roads safer for children and others on foot or bicycle. It does not do enough to fix our bridges and roads or provide people more options for getting around. It also does too little to put Americans back to work at this difficult time and create the jobs we desperately need.We desperately do need an updated federal transportation bill, but this proposal advanced by the House is not it. Thank you for your time.
To look up your representative, please click here (T4 America Link).
Let’s see and get details of actual bill before following losided opinions. Too much poor proaganda by incompetent media. Just give FACTS, see none here.
H.R. 7 has a pretty diverse opposition, so I don’t see it passing in the Senate. One of its goals seems to be to eliminate dedicated funding for mass transit and discretionary transit programs like TIGER (for instance, Cultural Trail received $20.5M from TIGER). It would also remove dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian programs.
The bill relies on expanded oil-drilling licenses and federal employee pension contributions to pay for highway improvements. But what makes it somewhat outrageous in this day and age is that it promotes traffic congestion and air pollution.
FYI – Azwayne, H.R. 7 is available for you to read on docs.house.gov.