Monthly archives: March, 2011

Broad Ripple Needs to Increase its Density

The latest Census figures tell us that the southern heart of  Broad Ripple lost population last year: Here is a look at new buildings that have been constructed in this region. Lines in red indicate a change from 2001 to 2011: Not much going on here. A few new condos near the Monon Trail, but …

Transit over Freight in transportation planning?

CSX freight tracks (image credit: Curt Ailes)

An interesting blog post over at Portland Transport recently got my gears turning. The post in question, put to the test the argument that nearly ALL road expansion projects tout the ability to be able to move freight quickly and efficiently. The post also points out that freight does not always win out, yet if …

State lawmakers scuttling transit projects

Indiana Statehouse (image credit: Curtis Ailes)

What started as a squeak in November has turned into a low roar. What is this low roar? The dying gasp of transit projects across the nation. In case you have not noticed, there is a bit of political turmoil going on here in America. It seems that no one is immune to the affects …

The Joy of Medium-length Trips by Bicycle

Anyone who knows me can tell you I’m not much of an exercise guru.  Don’t get me wrong, I love getting out on my bike, but I love it even more when there is a set destination and purpose for the trip.  With gas prices rising even faster than the spring temperatures, this is a …

Rebuild Indy: What are we rebuilding?

"Repaired" sidewalk along 52nd Street (image credit: me)

In 2010, Mayor Greg Ballard used bonding capacity against equity in our water/sewer utilities as well as future rate increases to fund a program that is called, Rebuild Indy. The first injection of funds came in to the tune of $55 million. It was used to jumpstart the program and largely includes resurfacing streets, repairing some …

March 2011 Wallpaper

March 2011 Wallpaper

Here is the March 2011 Wallpaper. I took this on an evening date with my wife who borrowed me her D700 camera to nab this shot. Hope you all enjoy 2560 x 1600,1280 x 853, 1280 x 1024, 1366 x 768