In recognition of the completion of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail’s Northeast Corridor, Urban Indy is running a series of comparison shots to show you how this project has transformed our city streets. Today we’re featuring three pairs of photos from the intersection of Massachusetts Ave., Park Ave. and Walnut St. In order to facilitate trail crossings in this area, the intersection was redone with bump-outs at all crosswalks and new traffic lights at the Massachusetts/Park intersection. The southeast corner of this intersection will be the site of tomorrow’s ribbon cutting ceremony at 5pm.
Enjoy, and look for a new entry in this series every day this week!
This is Part 4 of a 5-part series – see the other four parts here:
This has been sich a great series. Aside from the obvious mobility improvements that the trail has provided, they have created spaces that are generally inviting. I WANT to visit places that look like this. They have done a great job in that respect
I really enjoy the improvements this has made to the city and ride the north and northeast trail regularly. I think it’s obvious that some pressures made the route a little more contorted than it needs to be, but that just makes it more like a river–it follows the path of least resistance.
I think it’s already proving to be a great asset to our city and has certainly improved the quality of life down.
Thanks for posting these photos. They make the improvements even more obvious.
Yah, I believe the meandering route makes it 100 times more natural and interesting, since the setting is urban. It will be interesting to see the impact the trail has on future infill development. I hope thre won’t be too many ‘suburban style’ developments before Indy turns the corner for an overall better architecture. Why can’t a group of local designers, planners and architects get together and develop an ‘Indianapolis Style’ architecture that is totally unique for the region and downtown——-witout being too homogenous?