Star Editorial on Mass Transit

The Indy Star has laid out a decent defense of continual funding for the possibly doomed commuter bus lines. The main point of the article is that the region needs to fund permanent lines.

Permanence is absolutely critical, whether it be a Light Rail line or Bus Rapid Transit. One way to give riders a sense of permanence would by to transform the current park-and-ride lots in to Transit Oriented Development. Then the stations could at least contain a funding mechanism through taxes.

It would be a shame to see this reasonably successful venture fall by the wayside because we lack the vision and will to pull this off correctly.

Comments 2

  • From the Star editorial: "Having the smallest, most underfunded bus service of any major city amounts to a self-fulfilling prophecy on wheels."

    So true…

  • Hey Kevin, I tried to write you on your Skyscraper City account several days ago, but I don't know if you check it very often and I didn't have a better way to reach you. Anyway, I'd love to know which route you used where you were able to get the Indygo survey. The Shelby route is the only one that's moderatle convenient for me (and that's not saying much), but I have had no luck so far. So I might get into the city and use one of the denser routes to get where I need to go while linking up with a survey–if you have recommendations. Thanks.

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