A couple of neat buildings are at this intersection. The southwest corner:

Southeast Corner:

Back to the Southwest. This building was being refurbished, but for now only the neat facade stands:

Detail on the southwest corner building:

Northwest Corner:

A little farther afield, the newly remodled Walsingham building on 16th and Delaware:

The northeast corner is a parking lot.
I love this corner; they recently removed the wooden stilts from the Alabama side of the old firehouse. I've been waiting for something to come and fill the building in the second to last shot.
Glad you spotted this. Any ideas on the occupants (if any) of the buildings in the first and third photos?
I believe it has been converted to a single family home. But I'm not sure about that.
I'm not sure what its being used for either. I was just walking by one day and noticed I didn't have to go around the supports they used to have bracing the facade.