College Avenue nodes adding new business

Hoosier Beer Geek has written about the new venture for Upland Beer, located at the corner of 49th and College. The blog mentions that Upland wants to be a part of an up-and-coming neighborhood, and to be away from the Broad Ripple party scene. I’d imagine that the rent for the space is quite a bit cheaper, as well. Also, chef Greg Hardesty is looking to add a new restaurant on the opposite corner.

At 46th street, a long neglected building on the northeast corner is getting a facelift from an unlikely source: an Indonesian Restaurant. I visited the restaurant last weekend and talked to the owner, who hopes to open up soon. He mentioned that he was paying 1/3 of the rent compared to Broad Ripple, and that this would be the first Indonesian restaurant in the state. Also, the portion of the building he is in was boarded up and vacant for a decade.

At 42nd, a new pretzel shop has opened. I have not had the time to visit it yet, but it’s in another spot that has been empty for quite a while.

At 22nd, there is a clothing store named Frugality Fashions. This portion of College has been neglected the most, and retail activity here is most welcomed.

It remains to be seen if this influx will withstand the troubled economic climate. However, perhaps one of the major reasons the infill is happening is for precisely that reason. Entrepreneurs are looking for deals, and corridors like College Avenue see enough traffic that they feel like they can risk a venture in a lower-rent building. I wish them success in their businesses, as we look to revitalize a potential asset.

Comments 12

  • Good to see some new businesses popping up in these areas. Rarely do I feel like I have a necessity to travel south of 49th street on College to shop/eat, but I am finding more and more of a reason to. I wish all the owners the best of luck and hope they flourish.

  • Having just moved to 49th and Ralston, I'm pretty excited to hear about all of this. Ben and I have talked at length about how College could be the next Bardstown Rd. if some love was given to develop it.

    And, perhaps, a trolley line between 38th and B. Ripple Ave? Eh? Eh? That may be a little bit of overkill, but at least some trolley buses to make that line a bit more appealing to transit traffic up and down that corridor.

  • I certainly would support a College avenue trolley line. I would prefer it to go all the way downtown, though.

  • Nice to hear this news. This is probably not a revelation to seasoned urbanists on this blog, but the various retail nodes one sees on College Avenue every 4 to 6 blocks coincide with stops on the old interurban line that ran along the street–back when there really was a College along it, the early Butler University (called Northwestern Christian University I believe).

    I recall the basement of what was Bloomingdeals at 46th and College (now some other thrift store) hosting the Sitcom Collective, the place for straightedge punk and hardcore shows in the 1990s–one of the biggest venues in the Midwest, I believe. Not sure what the basement is used for now.

  • Fantastic news. I live downtown but would certainly drive a few miles north to visit local businesses, especially restaurants. That stretch of College is def in need of revitalization.

  • AD, I posted something similar a few months back.

    Nice info on the old punk club at 46th and College. I had no idea!

  • Speaking of the Upland, isn't that around the area where the "Uptown" is proposed? Let's hope that receives the proper financing too! 🙂

  • Very cool. I can’t help but think about the progress in this area and compare it to efforts to revitalize other parts of the city. I am not going to go as far as saying that it is “working” but it is starting to feel that way.

  • I visited the pretzel shop. The owner was manning the counter. He was really nice. He sells fresh pretzels three for $2. He said he was inspired by pretzel stands in Philly years ago that would sell them three for $1. I told him he needs to take a cart to Broad Ripple during bar hours. I'm worried about him at this location, although it is right across from the public library so hopefully he's getting some support. Give him a visit!

    Can't wait to check out this Indonesian place.

  • Good to hear about the pretzel place. They had them at the French Market last Saturday, but I was already full and decided to wait to try them.

  • Was not aware of the Pretzel shop or Indonesian restaurant. Great news, though! I've been waiting for this commercial development to happen south of 49th Street. I also find it interesting that this sort of I think the city would be smart to invest in the College trolley line, connecting Broad Ripple to Massachusettes Avenue Arts and Theatre District. It makes sense to connect Indy's two prime nightlife destinations. Plus it's the perfect distance—6 miles—for anybody to take a stroll. A golden opportunity for Indy to elevate itself to a new level of urbanism…in a more organic form.

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