I spent Thanksgiving Day in Wabash, Indiana, and was able to take some downtown shots before I left. Â I love this town as it is built on the side of a hill, which might be unique in Indiana.Here’s a shot of the hill: Â It is more impressive in person than in picture.

Nice shots of Wabash … none of the renovation work being done on the hotel there? And none of Murdoch’s? For shame (ha, ha).
Cool town with a lot of historical charm. I really like the shot of the hill; I didn’t know there was a streetscape like that in the state of Indiana.
Where are all the people? Were they shooting a movie?
These towns were pretty dead over the Holidays. I try to take pictures without cars in them. I saw many cars, but not many pedestrians.
WHAT did they do to that beautiful Italianate commercial block???
Wow! Viewing those pics gave me a whole new appreciation for my hometown. Thanks!
I remeber stoping in Peru when I was traveling from Bloomington as a student to visit friends at Notre Dame. I would often make a visit to the Sanitary Diner – yes, that was its name; you knew what to expect right up front! Run by a couple of farm ladies, the kind of place impossible to find now.