Chatham Center Update

The Chatham Center Project, which I’ve blogged about twice, is up for approval at the IHPC next Wednesday. I’m planning on attending the meeting. I have been sent a letter by the developer of Chatham Center that he would like to share:

Dear Urban Indy Readers,

Over the last several months I have been working on obtaining the approval of the Indianapolis Historical Preservation Commission (IHPC) for the final renovation of the former Riley Area Nursing Home in to a Mixed-Use Apartment and Commercial Project. This building is currently known as the Chatham Center, 901 N East Street.

The project attracted the interest of the Urban Indy Blog and the postings to date have been accurate and reflect many of the issues that our Architects, supporters and myself have been attempting to work thru.

As I have worked on obtaining this approval I have had the opportunity to contact many of the Chatham Centers surrounding neighbors. A portion of every conversation would often pertain to the concept that many Chatham Arch Residents view their choice of moving into the area as one in which they chose to live in an Urban Environment. Many have lived in other larger cities and have enjoyed the benefits of living in an environment where there are both multiple types living accommodations and business opportunities.

Other members of the Chatham Arch Neighborhood do not view the neighborhood as being part of a greater Urban Environment and prefer the view that the area should be treated as an enclave of strictly single family residences.

As a property owner and developer I can appreciate this view but find that the Chatham Center’s location along a primary street, with the related traffic and noise and the surrounding existing commercial uses does not provide for a location that would be suitable to the successful development of single family or Townhome style residences.

In our view the proposed renovation of the former nursing home into a location providing both business opportunities and residential apartments is a good transition of use and provides a physical and visual buffer for the residents of Chatham Arch’s single family residences.

To allow for the Chatham Centers proposed renovation requires a vote of approval by the IHPC. The IHPC prefers that projects requiring any variances or other changes from the Historic Plan be supported by the neighbors and organizations in which the project will reside. Often the deciding factor in this situation can be the amount of people willing to show up at the IHPC Hearing. I am asking for the support of any readers of the Urban Indy Blog who are interested in the proposed project. At this point the best method of showing this support would be to attend the Hearing. The Hearing schedule is as follows:

November 7, 2007 at 5:30 PM.

Indianapolis Historical Preservation Commission

Petition # 07-054 (CAMA) 901 N East Street

The meeting is held in the 2nd Floor Auditorium (City County Chambers) of the City County Building

200 E Washington.

The benefit of the previous continuances is that the presentation on the project has been placed at the top of the docket. The project will be heard at the beginning of the meeting. For those who have never attended a Zoning or Variance Presentation this will be a very complete example of how the process works and what any individual or developer faces when trying to change the physical environment for a project that may be different than the status quo.

A more complete Project History, Renderings of the proposed Building, preliminary Site and Building Plans and the Variance Outline is available at for review.

Thank you in advance for the support of the Urban Indy Blog and its readers. Please do not hesitate to direct questions or comments to me at the following address.


Larry Jones, President

Teagen Development Inc.

9425 N Meridian St 46260

317. 714. 2464

He’s also sent the address to his site and a few new renderings as seen here:

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