Search results for «wallpaper»

January 2011 Wallpaper

Apologies for being so late with this. Free time can get slim being a new dad! This picture was shot from Monument Circle looking west, during the holiday season here in Indy. Click on the resolution that best matches your screen. 2560 x 1600, 1280 x 853, 1280 x 1024, 1366 x 768

November 2010 Wallpaper

Here ya go, for those still keeping up. This is November 2010’s wallpaper. In assorted sizes for your enjoyment! This is the World War I Monument in downtown Indy being overshadowed by a beautiful sunset just last week. 2560×1600, 1366×768, 1280×1024, 1280×853

October Wallpaper

Here is October’s wallpaper. Apologies for the repeated lateness. Again, my day job and other things have kept me VERY busy lately. 2560 x 1600, 1366 x 768, 1280 x 1024, 1280 x 853

September Wallpaper

Sorry for the delay, but some personal matters have kept me away for the past week. Here is September’s Wallpaper highlighting the western most point of the Cultural Trail. I did a few things different from last month’s formats, so if you have some trouble, say so and I will do differently next time.  1366 …

August Wallpaper

In what I hope to make a monthly habit, here is the August wallpaper. I like to pride myself on taking photos that highlight Indianapolis in a positive light. So, for those of you who frequent the site, I am going to start offering a monthly wallpaper/calendar download. I will offer this initial offering in …

Urban Indy Turns 10: A Look Back, a Look Ahead

This website was born ten years ago on this date. When this blog first started, I was using actual film in an actual camera and scanning the photos. I took these particular photos to be developed at Cord Camera, which is now a fried chicken restaurant on Mass Avenue. I didn’t have a smart phone …

Curt Ailes

I am a product development engineer putting my skills to use on a daily basis figuring out what makes things work on a repeated basis. It is this analytic type of thinking that has drawn me to focus on how transportation systems are put together from a technical point of view as well as a …