Douglass Pointe Lofts

The Douglass Pointe Lofts at 25th and Delaware is my favorite new project in the city. I’m no architect, but to my untrained eyes they relate well to the street. They manage to look like they have been there for a while, without looking faux-historical. They are mixed use, and bring a street presence back to an area that just over 5 years ago was a run-down and dangerous place. Goose The Market, meanwhile, is the star tenant, selling quality locally-grown goods that had previously been difficult (impossible?) to find anywhere in the city. Just think what Chatham Arch residents may be missing since they have insisted upon the stipulation that the Chatham Center must not sell food. Projects like Douglass Point can serve as a template for positive, mixed-use infill. Kudos to Minkis and Goose.

Comments 5

  • I have to agree in that I like the project overall. Goose is great, the project really changes the entire character of the intersection in a positive way, and hopefully the ground floor commercial space sets a precedent this kind of development in other residential area in center city. My only criticism is the facade that slants outward towards the street feels a bit awkward and out of context. I think it would be more appropriate in a different setting. Anyway, I hope that the chatham center project at 9th and East St. has the same effect on the area.

  • Thanks for the comment. I’m partial to the slant, for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because it makes the building unique and singular in the city, without going overboard.

  • Love the Goose, and love the entire setup.

    I too hope it takes off in other places in the city, as this development is the single biggest reason my wife and I are now seriously looking at moving to Fall Creek Place.

    I’m tired of driving up from suburbia to get to Goose…not only do I love the meat, beer, cheese, and local food selection…my kids (2 and 4 year olds) are now addicted to the ice cream.

  • The intersection is facing a “good” development problem. Because these spaces were the first new, viable commercial spaces to serve the neighborhood, people put more intense uses in them than if more traditional retail space were available.

    “Live-work” spaces are intended (in planning lingo, anyway) for “neighborhood-serving” retail or low-intensity use such as an architect, lawyer, accountant, builder, designer, artist; places only one or two people at a time might visit and where only one or two people might work.

    What has ended up happening at Douglass Pointe is just plain retail, and destination retail (Goose and a hair salon) at that.

    So there’s a parking issue for the neighborhood.

  • I can envision a parking problem there. However, with the bus stop right outside the door, at least we may able to pretend that it is a transit-oriented development.

    I have not had trouble finding a spot yet in my visits to Goose. I usually park about a half a block south on Delaware. I think that is just fine. How often do people go to Marsh or Kroger and walk the same distance from the lot to the door? And with a less pleasurable walk/shopping experience to boot.

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