The Bus Life

Wednesday morning, I decided to document my typical bus journey.

My pick-up point:
54th St:
Had to get an interior shot. It’s usually pretty empty when I board:
This is almost a cool shot:
42nd St:
Shot while the bus is turning on to Mass Ave:
The Argyle:
Bad photo of the Murat:
Here’s where I leave the bus on Ohio Street:

Comments 6

  • I see you are a rider of Bus 17. A frequent route of my own. Here goes my shameless plug for a site that I recently developed that I like to share with riders due to IndyGo's lack of online presence.

    No photos ; ) but thought it might come in handy sometime while looking for route info online or on-the-go.

    Thanks for the post!

  • Very nice site! I've linked it in my Local Resources section.

  • Cool. Thanks for the love Kevin. I made sure to tweet about your pics too

    Thanks again. Keep up the posting. I follow your rss. You have a lot of great local Indy info.

  • This was a great picture narrative. I appreciated the glimpse into the Urban Indy world.

  • Thanks for this. It has motivated me to consider using the bus system in Indy.

  • Kevin,
    I'm a visual communications junior studying at the Herron School of Art & Design creating a book on IndyGo's possible future and strengths. For the book I need a some photo documentations of some users. I wanted to know if I could use you and these images in my book.

    Email me at if you're interested.

    I'd really appreciate it!

    Brandon Quigley

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