Bike Party Indy is an informal collective of individuals who meet once a month, starting off at the City Market downtown. From there, they ride in the evening, usually as a group. If someone gets left behind, they stop. The group practices safe cycling techniques, and is relaxed and welcoming to anyone who wants to join. Last Friday, I attended my first ever bike party, which happened to be their 2nd anniversary meeting. It won’t be my last:

I loved the sense of camaraderie with this group. This wasn’t a race, but a leisurely ride. We explored a relatively large area from Windsor Park to Garfield Park, but it was done at such a pace that it almost seemed like we were floating through the city. Thanks for the organizers for creating this event, and I’m pleased at how well attended it was.
I still need to make it to a Bike Party. My kids have swim team after school on Friday, but I need to carve out some time for this.
I went to one bike party last year and enjoyed it well enough. I found it a bit odd because I didn’t know what I was getting into and there wasn’t much explanation.
At one point we stopped and hung out. I didn’t quite know why we’d stopped and hung. It wasn’t bad or wrong, just seemed somewhat obtuse.
You mention safe cycling. I vaguely recall that there were some ride leaders who helped direct traffic. I don’t recall if there was anyone explaining anything about how to ride safely. I definitely remember that there seemed to be a fair number of people who were taking for granted that since we were a very large group of bikers, they could sort of not pay attention to their surroundings and drift into other lanes and be fine. I cringed a few times.
Overall, it was a pleasant outing, and I’d be happy to do it again.
They have a pretty extensive “how to ride” post that they alway put up on Facebook, but if you don’t hear about it or check the post on Facebook, I could see you might not know how it works.
The bike party always starts out well-intentioned and orderly, but once people start drinking and smoking, it gets much less so. From Centerpoint to Fountain Square, bicyclists were taking up the entire street, blocking traffic. During the lengthy break in Fountain Square, some cyclists were throwing beer cans and other trash all over the square, so I decided to head home.
It’s a fun time and a good group of people, but this type of thing happens as the night goes on.
I didn’t notice the littering. Thanks for bringing it up.
It is nice to hear of bicyclists who to ride for pleasure and comaraderie, and respect the rules of the road. Causal bikers and walkers on the Monon Trail have an elevated risk posed by t(e Lance Armstrong wannabes speeding through traffic intersections without regard to stop signs or common sense safety considerations.